==> IN single-classroom-updates.php

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, November 1. Dia de los Muertos. In school observation
  • Saturday, November 5. 7:00pm. Film Screening (Free!). Screenagers
  • Saturday, November 12. 11:00am.  Community Fair
  • Monday & Tuesday November 21& 22. Parent Teacher Conferences! Class and subject teachers are available to meet- Sign ups coming soon



Morning Lesson Grade 7 Algebra

Grade 7 wrapped up its look at algebra last week by solving lots and lots of two step equations for practice. We also heard the story of Carl Gauss whose ingenuity in solving a problem quickly helped us understand the nature of formulas and their value. We also discussed algebra as the universal language which allows diverse native speakers to problem solve across cultural lines. Students had a practice test with ample class time to work, ask questions, find their errors and make corrections. The block test was Monday with block books due at the same time. Students had old worksheets with extra problems on them if they sought more practice over the weekend. The internet is abound with free worksheets as well for those who want to build further confidence. Overall, the class is in excellent shape was and performing solidly on all our exercises. This week grades 7 & 8 are together again for the founding of the United States and some foundational lessons in civics.

Parent Night Notes

Thanks to everyone who came out for parent night.  It was another fantastic community gathering.  I continue to be grateful for the chance to work with such a pleasant, pioneering group who also has a great sense of  humor.  Thanks also to Sharla Stewart for taking notes.  The parent night notes were attached to the email in which you received this update link.