Parent Council Nominations

Nominations for Parent Council leadership positions are currently being accepted for the 2016/17 school year. Positions open include Subcommittee Leaders. Class Delegates and all those on the Leadership Committee. Nominations will be accepted until 5 pm on April 6, 2016. If you or someone you know is interested in a position, please complete a nomination form and submit either online (see below) or print and place in the Parent Council Nomination Form box outside Peggy Lofgren’s office.  Elections will be held at the Parent Council meeting on Wednesday April 6, 2016 at 7 pm. A transition meeting will be held on Wednesday May 18, 2016 for all existing Parent Council members that hold positions and those in a newly-elected role.

Listed below please find the Parent Council Roles and Descriptions for the 2016/17 school year.

Leadership Committee

Those nominated to roles within the Leadership Committee will have served one year as a committee leader, room parent or class delegate. All positions are available for nomination.

Co-Chairs: Responsible for coordinating events with administration and faculty, soliciting parent volunteers, committee leaders and class delegates for events and projects, maintaining communications between all parties within parent council and the school leaders. (10 hours/month/person).

Bookkeeper: Liaison to the development chair and administration. Responsibilities include accounting for parent led fundraisers such as Mighty Nest, Tea Collection, Pumpkin Sale and Geppetto’s Toy Box (5 hours/month).

Scribe: Responsible for communications with administration and the parent body, including working with the admissions coordinator and the administrator on weekly updates, updating Parent Council sections of the website and taking minutes for meetings. (10 hours/month).

Current leadership committee members are Dona Nishi, Gina Joslin, Cat Morris and Briana Villarrubia.

Class Delegates

Those nominated to Class Delegate roles should have a child in the classroom they will represent. All positions will be considered available as class delegates may be taking on other roles. Class Delegates choosing to remain in the role should nominate themselves.

There is a minimum of one class delegate from every class. Class Delegates serve the Parent Council and reach out to individuals within their classrooms for help as needed in Parent Council related activities. Responsibilities include reporting back to classroom parents any volunteer needs from committees and events as well as share parent council meeting outcomes.  They are also responsible for bringing parent ideas or concerns back to Parent Council.

Current class delegates are as follows: 1st Grade – Sonja Moser, 2nd Grade – Briana Villarrubia & Jennifer Mayfield, 3rd Grade – Adriana Escobedo, 4th Grade – Danila Miranda, 5th Grade – Megan Sindelar and 6th/7th Grade – Bev McClellan

Committee Chairs

Those nominated to Committee Chair roles should be passionate about the projects they lead.

Library: Responsibilities include managing book intake, cataloging and shelving of books, coordinating and training volunteers to staff library during scheduled school hours.

Community Fair / Directory: Work with Admissions Coordinator to coordinate volunteer needs for the Community Fair and solicit community members to participate. Establish a Community Directory.

Yearbook: Responsibilities include ensuring school events and field trips are photographed and videotaped as needed, compiling pictures into a yearbook format and assisting with sales and delivery of the yearbook.

Crafting: Work with faculty liaison in determining projects that need to be completed for the classrooms such as bean bags, rhythm sticks, crayon rolls, etc. and in scheduling crafting sessions for the parent community on a regular basis.

Food Team: Responsibilities include coordinating orders and delivery of the various CSAs, organic food vendors and others who offer local sustainable food options to our community.

Green Team: Work with Green Team Working Group in determining and scheduling Earth Month activities and begin working on Eco-School Green Certification (or similar).