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Hello All!

We have been working away on fractions for a week now. The children are learning some very basic and fundamental aspects of fractions. Our work comes through movement, the use of manipulatives (cuisinaire rods), the representation of shapes and lines (both freehand and on graph paper), and through large and small group discussions. We have covered so far..

  • The numerator/denominator and what they represent.
  • How to compare fractions with similar numerators or denominators.
  • How to segment shapes and group objects into fractions.
  • How to visually identify fractions.
  • How to represent fractions on a number line.
  • Fraction equivalents.

During this time we are also learning how to juggle! Ms. Kondrat has been making guest appearances in our morning lessons to give us an exciting movement break. I promise to post video when we get good enough! We are also practicing our play on a daily basis. It’s going to be a great one. Many thanks to the people who have already volunteered. We can still use a hand, so let me know if you are interested in costume work or set design!

We will be moving on to greatest common factors (GCF), and simplifying/reducing and expanding fractions. After that we will be looking at simple addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators.

I will speak more to this on Wednesday, during our Parent Evening, from 7 – 9. I am looking forward to seeing you there! Thank you for the requests for topics/questions to be discussed. If there is anything else you can think of in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Also, seats are starting to fill for the Kim John Payne events on March 12 and 13. This event is open to the wider community, so get your tickets early. Tickets for the Saturday lecture and Sunday workshop are available here.