
In January of 2018 the Parent Community Yearbook committee submitted a proposal to the administration and teachers regarding a Middle School Yearbook Club, which was accepted. This club would offer students in grades 6-8 the opportunity to participate in creating the yearbook under the direction of a lead teacher and parent/guardian volunteers. Each parent/guardian member supports an area of interest working with students on design, photography, writing, art and marketing. The vision of allowing students to meet regularly to co-create a keepsake that captures the school year, its celebrations and accomplishments, was a break from the yearbooks created in years past by parents/guardians that were mainly photo albums.

Also new is the yearbook publisher. Focusing on the need to bring down price, be more eco-conscious and provide other interesting options, the publisher TreeRing was selected. Their easy-to-use software, ordering policies, and eco-friendly mission to plant a tree for each book purchased made it a good choice. Other benefits include personalized parent/guardian pages, marketing advertising pages, low cost and the opportunity to have more pages for student art work, interviews and autograph pages. In the new school there are thoughts to have a dark room and the hope that students will be in the club throughout their middle schools years learning and sharing with new students the different skills necessary to put together a lovely keepsake for the community.

Please contact Essi Ala-Koko for more information.