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Day of the Dead/Dia de los Muertoscandles
Tuesday we are celebrating Dia de los Muertos.  The third graders are welcome to bring a photo or object to celebrate a loved one that has passed.  We had a lovely discussion this week about how it is wonderful to be able to celebrate a person’s life with joy and it is also wonderful to allow ourselves some time to be sad.  The nine year old benefits from knowing that it is normal to feel bad sometimes; that suffering is a true part of life.  I saw many nods among the class when I expressed this to them during our discussion.  Dia de los Muertos is a perfect way to get in touch with our most joyful memories and also our sorrow.
Morning Lesson

Last week was a review of place value with the introduction of the ten thousands place, hundred thousands place, and millions place.  There were squeals of joy when they had the chance to write very large numbers and try to think of what there might be one million of.  Some answers were: blades of grass, types of bugs, and Lego people.  Though there are many more of these things than one million, their number sense is such that they can more closely understand the vastness that one million represents.  We also reviewed carrying last week which they were very strong in.  We reviewed the 7s table which is one that requires frequent practice to memorize.  We also began an activity for division which we will practice daily for the next couple of blocks.  This coming week I will introduce vertical subtraction and borrowing.  We will continue reviewing times tables as well.

Upcoming Events

Second Grade Saint Martin Pageant- Friday, November 11th at 4:45.  The pageant will take place at the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii next door.  Those of you that were fortunate enough to attend last year’s Martinmas lantern walk know that it is a truly magical event which I know I will never forget.  This year Ms. Avellone invited our class to learn the songs the second grade will be doing and bring a lantern to walk in Arrigo Park with after the pageant.  Third graders can bring their lantern from second grade or make a new one at home.  We will not be able to make new ones at school.  Come celebrate the mid-point between the first day of fall and the first day of winter as we turn toward our inner light while the earth enters the dark time of year.

No School Monday, November 21st- Friday, November 25th for Parent Teacher Conferences (Monday and Tuesday) and Thanksgiving Break (Wednesday-Friday).